关于「 gorman」的内容列表

Morgan Stanley (MS. N) announced that James Gorman will step down as chairperson and leave at the end of the year. Ted Pick will take over as chairperson on January 1, 2025.

Morgan Stanley (MS. N) announced that James Gorman will step down as chairperson and leave at the end of the year. Ted Pick will take over as chairperson on January 1, 2025.

2024-10-25 04:17:02
摩根士丹利(MS.N)宣布,詹姆斯•戈尔曼(James gorman)将辞去董事长职务,并于年底离职。泰德•皮克(Ted Pick)将于2025年1月1日出任董事长。

摩根士丹利(MS.N)宣布,詹姆斯•戈尔曼(James gorman)将辞去董事长职务,并于年底离职。泰德•皮克(Ted Pick)将于2025年1月1日出任董事长。

2024-10-25 04:17:02